平台登录已经更新了 隐私政策. Our policy describes how we may collect, use, process and share your personal information. 平台登录使用的cookie因类型和管辖权而异. 访问平台登录网站底部的“您的隐私选择”链接, 其中描述了平台登录使用的cookie以及如何管理它们.





We will be issuing an additional refund to some 客户s reflecting an adjustment for CPUC and City of San Jose Tax (UUT) fees. 顾客将在下次账单上看到这笔退款.


从6月1日起,平台登录的抄表员又开始工作了, 这意味着仪表读数估计约为2.5个月. 根据2019年同期的历史数据进行了估算. 然而,实际使用情况与去年有所不同,原因有很多:

  • 现在越来越多的人在家生活和工作
  • 2019年的天气更冷、更湿
  • 温暖的天气增加了灌溉需求
  • 增加洗手、洗碗、洗衣服等. 

With our meter readers back, we are capturing data on what is 实际ly being used. There is a great possibility that you were billed less for March/April 和更多的 in May/June. 如果你把这四个月加起来, 然而, there is a good chance that they equal what you would have normally been charged, 但由于估计的原因,它是不平衡的.

为了解决这个问题, we are providing a refund to all 客户s who were charged in the third tier with the next bill.  这一层的所有水都要收费(6美元).每CCF 5545美元)将按较低的第二级费率(4美元)重新计算.每CCF 9160元). This will be done automatically and the one-time credit will be reflected on your next bill.   

除了信用, we have also taken the following steps in support of our 客户s during this time:

  • 暂停断水
  • 暂停所有收款活动
  • 暂停收取新客户存款
  • 提供延期付款安排

We believe it was the right decision in line with our core values and with local public health guidance at the time to ensure the protection of our employees, 客户与社会.  对平台登录所有人来说,这是一个前所未有的时刻. 



2019冠状病毒病对平台登录的社会产生了深远影响. DG真人游戏务公司意识到,平台登录的许多客户也受到了影响.  

One of the many adjustments San Jose Water made to protect our employees and communities included limiting our operations to essential functions 只有. 这意味着从3月17日到5月31日, 出于安全考虑,平台登录的工作人员没有到社区去抄表.  因此,使用量估计计算你的账单涵盖这一时期.

抄表 resumed on June 1 (with safety precautions in place) meaning your bills are no longer 估计. The bills you are receiving are based on 实际 usage and have been adjusted to reflect usage from the 估计 bills.

鉴于电表读数的变化和原地避难的命令,一些 住宅用户可能会发现他们的使用已经达到了第三层.  对于这些客户,将在他们的下一个账单上发放一次性信用.

当你收到预估账单后的第一张账单时, 客户s who were charged in the third tier of usage (36+ CCF) will receive a credit on their next bill. 第三级使用将按较低的第二级费率重新计算. A one-time credit reflecting this difference will automatically be applied to your next bill.

使用7至36 CCF收费4元.每CCF 9160美元. 超过36 CCF的使用按$6计算.5545.


0至6 CCF $3.2770

7至36 CCF $4.9160

36+ ccf $6.5545

1ccf = 748加仑

Example:  If you used 40 CCF of water during this billing period, 4 CCF would be charged at $6.每CCF 5545美元. San Jose Water will look at the first bill based on 实际 meter reads following your 估计 bill and recalculate this third tier at the lower second tier rate.

We will calculate 4 CCF of water at the difference between the third and second tiers ($6.5545 - $4.9160 = $1.6385 x 4 CCF)),导致一次性信贷6美元.下一张账单是55英镑.


圣克拉拉县进入COVID-19计划的第二阶段, DG真人游戏务公司的一些部门开始全面恢复运营. 抄表, 在3月17日暂停, 2020, 6月1日又要开学了吗, 2020年,加强员工安全防范.

对于客户来说,这意味着 估计计费 只要平台登录开始抄表就会结束吗.


平台登录在6月1日之后看你的电表时st,您的实际使用量将被计算. The bill will automatically be adjusted to reflect the usage difference since the 估计 bill.

如果你的 估计 使用率比你的高 实际 使用,您将收到您的账单的信用额度.

如果你的 估计 usage was lower than your 实际 使用时,您将被收取差额.

示例# 1

你的帐单每隔一个月结一次. 你的最后一次读数是400,是在2020年2月18日. 你4月份的账单上显示的水费是18单位,估计是418.

如果你六月份的水表读数是438,你将被收取20单位的水费. 这是你的当前读数和估计读数之间的差异.


你的帐单每隔一个月结一次. 你最后一次读数是500,是在2020年2月27日. 你四月份的水表显示60单位水的账单估计是560美元.

如果你6月份的电表读数是550, your 估计 April bill will be recalculated with the meter read of 550 and the difference credited to your June bill. 信用证将以“汇票更正”的形式出现在您的账单上。.

我的使用率似乎很高. 为什么?

You are being billed for exactly the amount of water you used since we last read your meter. In the interim, you had received 估计 bills that were based on your 2019 usage.

但自2019年以来,有一些事情发生了变化. 2019年的天气比2020年同期更凉爽、更潮湿. 这可能会导致2020年室外灌溉的增加.

此外,平台登录中的许多人在就地避难命令期间都呆在家里. Your indoor usage may have increased from last year since more people are in their houses — students are doing distance learning, 人们不是为了工作或娱乐而旅行, 等.




我在看账单上的消费记录. 这表明我今年用了更多的水. 为什么?

因为预计3月17日之间的账单, 2020年和6月1日, 2020, 在此期间,账单上记录的用电量包括估算值. 您的实际使用量准确地反映在两个计费周期,而不是一个.


Please observe social distancing rules (6’ apart) when you see San Jose Water staff in the field. 平台登录很高兴与平台登录的客户交谈并分享信息. 但平台登录希望大家都安全. 平台登录感谢你遵守当地和国家的安全准则.


3月17日开始, 2020, the Santa Clara County Public Health Office put in place a legal order for residents to shelter at home to help slow the spread of COVID-19. 

平台登录的区域是在原地避难的命令下, 平台登录正在尽量减少外勤人员的数量. 其中一个步骤是利用预估计费.

平台登录的大多数客户来说, our meter readers manually read the meter every other month and a bill is produced. 平台登录的服务范围有23万多米. It takes a full two months to read all the meters and produce a bi-monthly bill.


对于大多数有消费记录的顾客, San Jose Water will look at your prior year’s usage during the same time period to determine an 估计 usage for your home.

当避难所的命令被解除时, 平台登录将在下一个计费期恢复手动抄表. Any difference between your 估计 usage and 实际 usage will be automatically adjusted on your bill.


We are taking this action due to the shelter-in-place order from the State of California and Santa Clara County. 该命令限制了任何可能危及公众的不必要活动. 平台登录的目标是尽可能减少与公众的互动.



为了坚持保持社交距离和隔离措施, 平台登录将不再手动读取仪表. 因此,这是一个估计的账单. 感谢您的及时付款. 请访问 0c4o.vaftizo.com/COVID-19 了解更多信息.


此时,它将持续与就地避难指令一样长的时间. All decisions will be made according to orders from the state and county to protect our employees, 客户和社区.


平台登录回到手动仪表读数, we will be able to determine how much water was 实际ly used since the last time the meter was read. 如果你的 实际 使用率低于你的 估计 使用,您将收到您的账单的信用额度. 如果你的 实际 使用率比你的高 估计 使用时,您将被收取差额.



If you are having difficulty paying your bill, please contact our office via email at 客户.service@vaftizo.com 或致电(408)279-7900. 平台登录是来帮你度过难关的.


是的,这张钞票看起来和现在的钞票一模一样. 然而,它将有一条消息表明它是“估计的”.”



为什么 have I seen San Jose Water trucks in my neighborhood if you are not reading meters?

SJW will continue to respond to emergencies and critical needs — ensuring the continued reliable delivery of safe and clean water.  This requires our staff to be active in your community responding to these issues.  Please respect the social distancing “6-foot” rule when it comes to approaching those you see in the field. Thank you for your vigilance and please report leaks by calling (408) 279-7900.




Under extraordinary circumstances, San Jose Water is allowed to estimate meter readings. 加州公用事业委员会指出: If, 由于异常情况或公用事业公司无法控制的原因, 无法在预定的读取日期读取客户的电表, it may bill the 客户 for 估计 consumption during the billing period and make any necessary corrections when a reading is obtained. Estimated consumption for this purpose will be calculated considering the 客户's prior usage, 该实用程序与该地区同类其他客户的经验, 以及客户操作的一般特点. Adjustments for any underestimate or overestimate of a 客户's consumption will be reflected on the first regularly scheduled bill rendered, 这是基于一段时间后的实际阅读.